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Birthday News: Newspaper Email Doesn't Arrive


If you're not receiving the newspaper when sending by email, please read the following:

There are 3 important things that may affect the delivery of your mail:

1. Make sure you entered the correct data for sending mail in Preferences. This information will be the same as what you entered in your email client, such as Outlook Express, for sending mail. The SMTP server will be something like or (Replace with your actual isp). Your From address is also required.

2. Most smtp servers now require authentication. Make sure your username and password are entered correctly. This will also be the same as your email client. Note that passwords are case sensitive. Also, due to spam, some isp's send mail on a port number other than the default port 25. Contact your isp for this information. Enter any port number they provide you in the SMTP Port box.

3. Some isp's are very aggressive at filtering spam. Make sure the message you sent isn't being filtered as spam on the recipient's server. You can send us a test newspaper to: for test purposes. Please let us know when you do this so we can look out for it.

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Article details
Article ID: 1
Category: Your Birthday News
Date added: 2014-06-26 14:04:22
Views: 3098
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (53)

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